Part of the purpose of this blog is to share what I know about photography. Todays photo is to show how much of a difference a flash can make. The top image has decent light but to expose for Shelbi everything outside washes out and loses a lot of detail. Then again if I would have wanted the detail outside Shebli would have gone dark.

To bring up the detail I slipped an SB-800 into the cameras hot shoe with the camera set for Aperature priority and setting the flash for TTL metering which allows the flash and camera to "talk" to each other and came up with this exposure, which opens up the shadows.

Now if this coffee shop wouldn't have been so busy I would have brought a stand in with me and moved the flash camera right since straight flash can be pretty harsh but I am pretty happy with this result.
With most point and shoot cameras, if it was set for auto more then likely the flash wouldn't come on so you have to override that setting and turn the flash on.
Lens:12-24 f/4