4 days ago
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Start of something new.
I have been inspired recently to start several photo projects. Some I am going to keep under wraps for the moment but the big one is that starting the first of the year I am going to try to post a new blog entry with photo every day for the whole year. All of the images from this point on will be brand new I might revisit a few ideas that I have had in the past to correct the things that I wasn't happy with but everything else is going to be new. So keep checking back and enjoy.
Monday, December 14, 2009
The cold weather has been shutting me down.
Since I haven't been able to get out and shoot people images in the cold I have been sorting through old images on the laptop trying to make room for new images and every now and then I find a few gems.

Friday, November 13, 2009
Another older image, but a very popular one.
This is probably my most popular image from the last two years. I shot this in late March of 2008 and it really doesn't get much simpler then this. It was about 40 degrees out but the sun made it feel warmer, at least till the wind picked up. Kimberly was a trooper though and really got into it. I shot with my 70-200mm racked out to 200mm and natural light. This has been the only time that I put in 8 hours of driving for a 45 min shoot but it was so worth it.

Monday, November 2, 2009
Some classic black and whites and the stories behind them.
I feel like telling some stories today so I thought I would break out some older black and white images and tell the stories behind them. These were all shot on film.

Shoot with a body builder.
About a year ago I had gotten in contact with a local woman who competes in body building competitions and talked about doing some images. Nothing really came of it at the time and then I went off on my adventure sports kick and we lost touch. This fall though Neeli got ahold of me and told me she was getting ready for a competition and thought I might like to shoot some photos. During the course of going over ideas I found out she had access to a big garage and heavy machines so it was decided that we would make it more of an industrial shoot. The only real issue we had was it was a bit of a cold day (mid October in northern MN).

Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Another recent image.
Its been a while.

The above image was shot with a Nikon D300 w/17-55 f2.8 and three SB-800s. One SB-800 with a cardboard snoot and CTO gel camera left, a second one camera right with a fuscia gel and a third one inside the engine area. Then the whole thing was shot on tungsten white balance.
Sunday, July 5, 2009
A photo I have been sitting on.

June 1st I did a shoot with the Shifting Gears motorcycle club in Bemidji out of which I got one shot that I have been wanting to share with everyone. There isn't a lot to this image other then how it was rigged. I used a Bogen Magic Arm for the first time here, clamped it to the front part of Michelee's bike and set up my D300 to fire on its own with a 10.5mm fisheye, then just turned the three riders loose for about 10 minutes. I was really excited about this image but it wasn't selected to run with the story about the club.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
The Adventure Bum rides again
After having pretty much written this project off for another year I found a printer that is willing to work with me on my calendar. I am hoping to have this done and ready for people to order by the first part of August.
For those people who are not familiar with my Adventure Bum calendar project it was an idea I had a few years ago but started to seriously work on it last year. The idea is to put people in adventure scenes with all the gear and looking like they know that their doing but when you look closer you realize that they aren't wearing any pants. It is not meant to be sexual and most people when they see it just start to giggle, which was exactly what I was going for. Here are a few samples from the series.

This was the very first image for the project and I think it set the tone for the whole series. I had a silver Tri-grip camera right to help fill in the shadows other then that it was a very simple image to create.
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Been on a spree!
I have been shooting non-stop for the last three weeks. Everything from rock climbing to fashion to dance. A lot of the stuff has been just shoots to keep busy but every now and then I come across a subject or have an idea that jumps out at me. And these are some of the images that have stood out.

Thursday, May 14, 2009
Some new photos
Just thought I would share some new photos from a shoot that I did for a friends fundraiser.

both of the fire shots were done with a SB-800 in a soft box camera right and then a second SB-800 clamped to a chalkboard back and camera left.
Friday, May 1, 2009
And now it begins!

After 16 years of work I feel it is time to take a serious stab at shooting photos full time. I quit my job on wednesday. After three years of working there I got really tired of dealing with the general public and being treated like an idiot.
Tuesday I leave for two weeks of shooting climbers at the New River Gorge. I am getting pretty excited about this new direction that I am going in. The next few months I am going to be shooting for a month off and on along the north shore of Lake Superior, hiking in the Boundary Waters and a couple climbing trips to Wyoming. Wish me luck and keep checking back for new posts.
The image above was one of the first things I shot when I figured out how to use my SB-800's wirelessly with my D300. The main light is camera left, an SB-800 in a softbox, the red light is from another SB-800 on the floor firing up with a red gel and the exposure was about 30 seconds to get the LCD light to burn in nicely.
Saturday, April 18, 2009
One of my favorite places
The whole point of this blog is to share my stories and photos from my travels so I figure it probably wouldn't hurt to tell a few stories from over the years and not just concentrate on the new stuff. A theme you will start to pick up on in my tales is that the conditions are never optimal, I am of the firm opinion that the more miserable the conditions the better the story is.
One such trip was my first trip to the Black Hills in South Dakota for three days of bouldering with three buddies. We decided to leave about 5 pm on friday and drive through the night since there were four of us to handle the driving. At about 3 am I am driving through Rapid City, SD Jake is navigating and keeping me awake. All of the stop lights are flashing yellow so I am just taking it slow. Out of no where Jake tells me to turn left so I make the turn from the left lane instead of the turning lane since no one was around or so I thought. As soon as I made the turn lights went on behind us, I had failed to see the two different cop cars that were laying in wait. Come to find out that even though the lights were flashing yellow I missed that the turn light was red. Leigh who was in the back seat had woken up by this point which is good since I was driving his car. We told the cops where we came from, where we were going and that we were looking for a place to get off the road and get some food. Luckily the only thing the cop gave me was directions to an all night truck stop. After breakfast we hit the road again an hour later we had made it to Hill City, SD and to Sylvan Lake State Park just in time to scramble to the top of a cliff to catch the sunrise. We climbed till around 2 pm and headed off to set up camp. Once the tents were up it started to rain, hiding out in the tent it wasn't long before the night of no sleep caught up to me, I was out. The next two days were a blur of cold October days and nights but the sending was perfect, I even managed my first 5.10 lead, course none of us knew what the grades were guesses were as close as we had. The last night there we decided to get a room which proved to be a smart idea. It got so cold that night that the LCD screen in my DVD player I brought with froze, now it only plays in black and white.
Two years later I made it back with my friend Aaron. I had planned a big project for that trip, I had about eight people lined up to go but about a week before everyone bailed out except for Aaron so we went anyway. This time around was in May so the weather was great but Aaron ended up coming down with the stomach bug his kids had when we left. But even that didn't stop him from sending V7s with ease. In all the years I have been climbing Aaron is probably the most talented climber I have ever seen, great blend of movement and power. The best part of the 2006 trip was meeting a climber by the name of Peter Lev. He used to guide for Exum and was now retired. He did a slideshow the night we met him, all of the images and stories were about his exploits in the Himalayas and other far flung destinations on government sponsored trips in the 60's and 70's. Back when we had to beat the Russians when ever we could. He told Aaron and me about a climb he did in Minnesota where they used a the steering column of his VW bus as an anchor to repel to the bottom of the cliff.

Thursday, April 16, 2009
I just find this funny

Last year when I was in Joe's Valley the group I was with did all of our food shopping at the Food Ranch in Orangeville which also serves as the towns sporting goods store. Being a gear junky I had to check to see if they had any climbing stuff and I found this little gem. I love to see small towns like this do stuff to help out the climbers when there are plenty of other places that look down on us. I just find it funny that they chose to package the chalk they sell.
Photos on a beautiful spring day.
I am finally able to get out and shoot outdoors without me or my models freezing to death so I thought I should take adventage of it. I talked my friend Jenna into coming out and shooting with me yesterday and these are a couple of the shots that stood out right away. We didn't have any solid ideas before going out but I am happy with what we got. Everything was shot with a Nikon D300 and a 17-55mm f/2.8
This one was completely natural light. I prefocused and metered in manual mode then put the camera down to floor level to shoot.

Saturday, April 11, 2009
And now for something completely different!

This post is going to step away from the photography aspect of this blog and get into some of the gear testing. My favorite piece of outdoor gear is the stove and over the years I have acquired five of them and even made one. The two that I have found that have been working great for me are the MSR Pocket Rocket (top) and the White Box alcohol stove (bottom). Both have their pros and cons so lets start with the MSR.
-No preheating, once on the canister you just light it and its good to go.
-Will boil 2 cups of water in my Titan Kettle in less then 4 minutes.
-Has flame control, it doesn't have to run at full blast all the time.
-Flame is more concentrated so you don't heat up the wire handles of the Titan Kettle.
-Weighs in at 3 ounces for just the stove itself.
-Takes the canisters that you can't just pick up at any hardware store or gas station. Also you can't tell how much fuel you have left.
-When the canister is empty you still have to carry it with you and you have to make sure to puncture it before you can recycle it.
The White Box alcohol stove
-The stove is made from recycled aluminum bottles.
-Stove, windscreen and base weigh less then 3 ounces.
-Can boil 2 cups of water in the Titan in about 5 minutes with only 1 ounce of fuel.
-Whisper quiet (which is also kind of a con if your trying to use it in bright light since you can't see the flame).
-Uses denatured alcohol or even HEET (yellow bottle) which can be found at any hardware store or gas station.
-Can store the fuel in something as simple as a pop bottle so you can see how much fuel you have left and when empty it doesn't weight hardly anything.
-No simmer control, its pretty much full blast.
-With the original size stove the flames come out around the edge of the Titan which makes the wire handles get too hot to handle. They have since came out with a smaller solo model that is designed to work with the smaller pots.
-Even though the stove is very stable you have to make sure you don't tip it over since the fuel isn't really contained.
On a side note, it doesn't do much good to have a stove without a pot to put on it and I have as many cook-sets as I do stoves. My go to set-up for the last two years has been an MSR Blacklite which I can't even find on MSRs website anymore. They probably discontinued it since they had always had a problem with the nonstick coating flaking off. I never had a problem with it since I never use metal utensils when I am camping. This system came with two pots that nest together, a lid, pot lifter and a wash cloth sized camp towel. Making it the choice when I go out with a group. When I am going solo you'll find the MSR (titanium) Titan Kettle. Works great as a pot, mug or bowl. The biggest complaint I have heard about this pot (aside from price, titanium isn't cheap) is that the lid fits too tight. It does fit tight, to the point where it is best to just set the lid on top when cooking, otherwise you have to grab hold of the pot itself to get the lid off.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Moab images
Finally getting around to posting images from the Moab trip that I went on with the Bemidji State OPC. Over all it was a decent trip, kind of hard not to have fun in a place like Moab. Climbing within minutes of town, the entrance to Arches National Park is in town, world class mountain biking is all over the place, there were cave drawings in our campsite and I got to shoot photos of it.
I did have a couple of rough night though, on the first night camping I got a leak in my sleeping pad but it didn't really get bad till the second night. Which has to be the single worst night I have ever spent in a tent. The pad was flat in about 45 minutes and I don't have any insulation in the bottom of my bag so it got damn cold. But the pictures made it all worth wild!

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