About a year ago I had gotten in contact with a local woman who competes in body building competitions and talked about doing some images. Nothing really came of it at the time and then I went off on my adventure sports kick and we lost touch. This fall though Neeli got ahold of me and told me she was getting ready for a competition and thought I might like to shoot some photos. During the course of going over ideas I found out she had access to a big garage and heavy machines so it was decided that we would make it more of an industrial shoot. The only real issue we had was it was a bit of a cold day (mid October in northern MN).

The main light for this was a snooted SB-800 with a CTO gel camera right and then there was a second SB-800 zoomed to about 70mm to control the spill clamped to the same stand as the main light, this was to bring out some details in the legs. The background light was supplied by a large garage door that was open behind her. Tungsten white balance and a 17-55mm 2.8

This was strait forward natural light shot with a 70-200mm 2.8 racked out to 200.

For the image with the tires I had two SB-800's camera right on one stand and a third one clamped to a stack of pallets pointing at the background. I triggered all of them with the built in flash of the D300.

For this one and the next one I tried something a little different. Most of the time when I am shooting with the SB-800's off camera I use the manual power setting but I thought I would give the TTL setting a try. Both images were done with two SB-800's fired through a tri grip diffuser. For both I used the 17-55 2.8
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